Originally Posted by DJ's left nut
Wrapped up this weekend.
That ending was....abrupt.
Of course Noor and Rose would be buddies -- they're the two most annoying humans alive. And of course Noor would be unhappy in asylum -- she's just an unhappy busy body and overall pain in the ass.
I'm rooting for the villains next season.
Go get some shit done, Jacob Monroe. Dude showed more concern over Solomon than any of the suits showed over their agents. Now that Javad has been...well who knows, but nothing great....I'm gonna need a new misunderstood anti-hero to root for next season.
You're my boy, Jacob!!!! You go get that isolationist foreign policy enacted, my guy!
I actually really liked Jacob and I hated that what happened with Solomon. Other than being a stone cold killer he seemed to be a decent guy. I really liked the scene where Solomon asks for a raise lol. Most people abso****inglutely hate going and asking for a raise, so it was funny that Solomon (a bad mofo) was nervous and hated asking for more money.
That scene is what made me like Jacob. He could have been like **** off or even kill him, but you could tell he actually cared about Solomon.
I hate Noor and Rose. I'm really hoping she's not in the next season. There is really no reason to bring her back and she shouldn't have been in season 2.