Thread: Movies and TV Jurassic World: Rebirth
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Old 02-14-2025, 10:22 AM   #10
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Originally Posted by ChiliConCarnage View Post
I guess it needed a reboot pretty bad. We'll see how it turns out.
So here's the thing -- the problem with about 2/3 of these movies is just...the story. It's bad. I mean there are parts of it that aren't (Dominion had such a cool hook -- Dinosaurs are endemic now, how do we deal with that?), but the main storylines of several of these movies just kinda suck.

So...while this will be considered sacrilege...if you're looking to continue the franchise, wouldn't a hard re-set be the way to go?

I mean we re-make shit all the time now. Rather than a sequel, just remake Jurassic Park.

I guess the real problem with that is that the original was just so damn well done that 30 years later it somehow STILL holds up. Which is just remarkable in so many ways. So maybe it's a bad idea in that you probably can't do anything with a re-make other than put new actors in it.

But the story from the book is a little different than the movie. You could add some wrinkles to the movie by more closely following the source material. could just keep making bad movies that make a lot of money, I guess.

But these movies are all so similar anyway that it feels like maybe falling back on the strongest story and re-making that would be the best path forward.
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