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Old 02-09-2025, 10:00 PM   #51
crayzkirk crayzkirk is offline

Join Date: Nov 2016
Casino cash: $1430000
I don't understand how teams are able to build dominant lines while drafting fairly high. Yes, the Eagles had a somewhat down year last year however the year before, they were the runner up. Somehow, they were able to rebuild both lines, acquire Barkley and pay everyone.

Someone please explain it to me because this isn't supposed to be possible. The Chiefs have invested a tone of money in free agency and it seems like a poor choice. I like Chris Hones however he's an aging player that is costing a lot of money. Unfortunately, I see the Chiefs having a lot of cap issues moving forward.
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crayzkirk Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.crayzkirk Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.crayzkirk Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.crayzkirk Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.crayzkirk Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.crayzkirk Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.crayzkirk Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.crayzkirk Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.crayzkirk Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.crayzkirk Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.crayzkirk Forgot to Remove His Claytex and Got Toxic Shock Syndrome.
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