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Old 12-30-2024, 10:52 PM   #891
DanT DanT is offline

Join Date: Sep 2000
Location: Davis, CA
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Originally Posted by Rain Man View Post
I've done a couple of long running races in heavy rain. I finished, felt good, and then when I got back to a mirror I had runner's nipple with blood all over my shirt. I didn't feel it when it was happening, but I sure felt it in the shower afterwards. Youch.
Instead of expensive Nip Guards, a great way to protect nipples from chafing against shirts wet with sweat or rain is to use 3M medical tape, like Blenderm. You can get 12 5-yard rolls for the price of 20 pairs of Nip Guards and that tape can protect you for over a thousand runs. You just cut a couple of strips before each run and cover your nips with it, then remove them after the run. I do that before most runs and it takes months to get through a single 5-yard roll.

Last edited by DanT; 12-31-2024 at 09:00 AM..
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