Originally Posted by RaidersOftheCellar
So Bill Russell was (significantly) better than Jordan, and Eli Manning mops the floor with Marino. Got it.
This is weak stuff.
If Elway had retired two years earlier, would you have declared him a choke artist? Something tells me the goalposts would shift to "it wasn't his fault." As most Denver fans claim. Interesting that Elway allegedly carried the team in the early days, but none of you acknowledge that a loaded team carried him when he was on his way out the door.
Do you actually think Rodgers couldn't outduel Tony Eason and Bernie Kosar? Or win with the '97-98 Broncos rosters?
Well, let's see genius: Bill Russell and Michael Jordan play VERY different positions ..... Not to mention they play a VERY different sport than these quarterbacks.
Geez, what the f is wrong with you people?!