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Old 11-22-2024, 09:23 AM   #3
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch View Post
We've played 10 games so far this season. 3 of those games the LT play has nearly singlehandedly wrecked the game. I'm honestly baffled why folks are so determined to hand wave the OT play away as anything other than substandard at best.
It's because folks like you want to say "The OTs are why the offense sucks!" and move along.

Put Orlando Pace at LT on Sunday and the offense would've still been bad. And that's been the case several times this season.

Nobody is arguing that the LT play has been elite or even good. More often than not this season I think it's been slightly below average.

What I've been saying at least is that many folks (you loudly among them) are making this issue FAR simpler than it is. There's a lot going wrong with this offense and despite a pretty solid day from Morris last weekend (and Nagy dialing up many plays that SHOULD'VE worked), the offense was as bad as it's been all year.

CPs favorite whipping boys are maybe 1/3 of the problem right now.
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