Originally Posted by dlphg9
From the looks of Wallcrawler's posts in this thread it looks like he's back on the meth and pissed off about something. We can only hope he doesn't have a dog to kick and he's not being violent towards his family either.
What a stupid ****.
If you believe physically lashing out at others over topics as trivial as football is a thing, then id worry more about myself than anyone else if I were you, you weak willed little dumbass.
There's actually nothing that brings a bigger smile to my face than reading your absolute shit takes on the sport.
I think my favorite shit take of yours recently, aside from Wanya Morris being a good LT, was when you advocated for abandoning the run against Denver when the o line couldn't keep Patrick Mahomes upright past 1 second.
It's hilarious, and you can fall back on your same shitty material, oh you're on drugs, oh you must beat your wife, say all that shit that you want. It won't change anything.
I guess I can't really blame you. I mean if I woke up each morning and saw you looking back at me in the mirror, I'd probably lose my fingertip grip on reality and plunge into an abyss of irreversible stupidity as well.
It's good that you have an outlet, it's just really unfortunate that the outlet is CP.