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Old 11-20-2024, 08:59 PM   #151
Fishels Fishels is offline
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Originally Posted by Wallcrawler View Post
Imagine being able to read, and comprehend my full reply to you, and in any way find that to be a tapout.

That's hilarious.

Never change, retread.

BTW, and it's just purely because I can't help myself, you are aware that your hero's offense is based on the scheme that Bill Walsh created, yes?

Heh. Rhetorical question, dipshit. I know you know, and it eats your little chapped ass up lmmfgdao.

Commence the shriek and squee.
Andy is my favorite coach of all time and I still think his Andyisms cost him games.

But I do not know why some people seem to take it so personally that Reid certainly has had big Flaws in the past. I feel if he didn’t he would have easily given the Eagles their first SB.

Not that there’s anyone I would want right now over Andy as a full disclaimer. I think Andy’s “Andyisms” have actually decreased quite a bit the more SBs he’s won

I do think you guys should be nicer to each other. There’s no need for it to be so hostile lol
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