Originally Posted by DJ's left nut
It's been a bit since I read Dune - I don't recall them taking much of the story out. Maybe the bit where they eventually locate Gurney? I dunno, if that's it, it always felt largely tangential to the story as a whole.
They could've provided more of Yueh's story but really, I don't feel like there was any real need to make him as sympathetic a character as he appeared to be in the books.
I didn't feel like there was much missing that was critical to taking the story forward. They cut a few corners and fast forwarded a bit w/r/t Paul and Jessica being accepted into the Fremen culture. That would've just really hurt the pacing of the movies, though.
I think the biggest loss was no real discussion of the smugglers out in the desert and finding Gurney, but there's a lot to have fit into these movies - it's an excusable omission, IMO.
The book itself skipped over Paul's ascension over the Fremen. Dune (the book) was a three part story - the first part ends with the defeat of the Atreides forces; the second part ends with Paul killing Jamis, he and Jessica being accepted by the tribe, and Jessica drinking the water of life and exposing the unborn Alia to the Bene Gesserit past lives. At the beginning of part three, two years (roughly) have passed, and the events of that period are only vaguely alluded to in passing. Alia was actually born and would have been at least a year and a half old. It was during this time that Paul rose up the ranks into Fremen leadership. It DID NOT happen quickly, or for that matter, nearly instantly. There was no "oh hi, foreign guy from the House that just got wiped out, we're going to put you in charge, but your sullen, bitchy girlfriend won't like it" bullshit.
And I used to think one of the worst aspects of the '84 movie was the Fremen accepting Paul so easily and quickly - at least until Denis said "hold my beer."