What's the point of any statistical comparison? You make the 'analysis' of however many Broncos losses in a row there were to the Chiefs until last year. I was never so hypocritical as to pretend there's nothing to that analysis.
Look, I get it, you don't like the result. First 48 years in the NFL and just 4 playoff wins, 2 in the same year. I'd call that a drought, but that would be an insult to deserts everywhere.
I remember now why I went down this road! You guys attacked and kicked and beat and insulted me and the Broncos when I showed up. It's been more than just a dislike of a rival team, there's a deeper resentment in the way you go about it. So, we back up and take a look - and
Bingo! Most of you seem scarred in different ways after having to look up at Big Bro Broncos for so long.
So now you grab on to these current Chiefs, tight as you possibly can, INSISTENT that they will heal all wounds. Five decades worth. You even resent the idea that Mahomes is a solid 90-95% of it.
1970 = Merger and 26-team interplay takes effect
2018 = First year Mahomes inserted as starter
Don't pretend there's not meaningful info to be gleaned from that.
But go ahead if you think they're relevant statistical analysis to be made by deducting the Elway and Manning years. There might be some value in deducting one of them. But I don't think both. The two together have little relation to one another in my opinion.