Originally Posted by New World Order
Just checked the Donko forum. Broncobuff is in the chiefs thread on the poor man’s Orange Mane whining about why the Chiefs should change their name.
Oh my
Does every single one of you morons do this? Make up quotes so you can win arguments?!?!
I'm AGAINST teams knuckling under and changing names! Why? Because nobody's putting on a uniform with native or indigenous peoples names all over as an insult! It's the very definition of honoring those peoples!
GO READ IT AGAIN! I suggest franchises like the Chiefs take after the Atlanta Braves, now THEY'RE smart. They've been reaching out to area tribes, making friends, inviting participation in the club etc....
Here NWO, You should apologize. You won't, but you should:
BroncoBuff backs up the Chiefs
Click! ^^^^ Click! ^^^^ Click! ^^^^ Click!