Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 11-04-2024, 01:20 PM   #78435
BEAVER BEAVER is offline
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Originally Posted by BroncoBuff View Post
And yes, you can call me 'Dr. BroncoBuff.'

What kinda doctor you wanna guess I am, huh? What kinda doctor, huh?! (I'm actually two different kinds of doctor, but that makes it twice as likely your guess will be correct!)
OBGYN seems fitting.
Posts: 966
BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.
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