Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 11-04-2024, 12:18 AM   #78398
BroncoBuff BroncoBuff is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Seattle
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And yes, you can call me 'Dr. BroncoBuff.'

What kinda doctor you wanna guess I am, huh? What kinda doctor, huh?! (I'm actually two different kinds of doctor, but that makes it twice as likely your guess will be correct!)
Posts: 327
BroncoBuff < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.BroncoBuff < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.BroncoBuff < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.BroncoBuff < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.BroncoBuff < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.BroncoBuff < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.BroncoBuff < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.BroncoBuff < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.BroncoBuff < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.BroncoBuff < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.BroncoBuff < Tried to steal Andy's chili fries.
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