Originally Posted by TEX
Evening, 30 Point LOSER! 
Evenin', Tex.
That'd be 31 there, pard'nuh. Subtraction, huh? Addiction's tricky pal.
Originally Posted by TEX
Where are you??? YOU showed up here 1st thing this morning, yet we're "Obsessive???"
That was 'round 9:30 Tex, 10:30 before we drop the Clocks back an hour. Thats hardly "first thing."
What's that? You forgot about the clocks?
Well, mebbe ya oughtta . . . WHOA THERE! Come back down those stairs right this minute. You CANNOT blame your mother for that!
Originally Posted by TEX
Haven't heard from you since.
Yur hearin' from me now, Tex. The reason you hadn't heard from me before now IS .... I'm not obsessed with none of yuh' like y'all are with the Broncos.
Admittedly I was reaching for a couple of those not-so-funny wisecracks, but the underlying wisdom is rock solid. You guys exhibit all the signs of an unhealthy - or at least grossly exaggerated for the given circumstances - obsession with the Broncos. Funny part (and probably further evidence supporting it) is that not a single one of you seem to get it. Closest was I think
RaidersCellar who compared the OM/OH thread "The Chiefs Suck!" with this one. Well that thread does have the most posts over there, but right now it's actually on Page THREE of the Main Discussion room:
Click here
There's also a palpable difference in tone. Here, no matter what is mentioned, "BRONCOS SUCK BRONCOS SUCK! THEY CHEATED THEY CHEATED!" There's nothing like a "discussion" of anything, while over there you'll find lucid intervals of football discussion mixed in.
You guys might consider what I've concluded in here, that y'all are a "damaged lot." Maybe not walking the ledge damaged, but damaged nonetheless. Most in need is that
rcdempsey - I can't figure out if he's a real tough guy, just a bully, or just an internet tough guy. But whichever it is, The absolute terms he speaks in, "
proven beyond a doubt," "absolutely without question," "cannot be argued with," the absolute nature of such comments argues for the exact opposite of their literal meaning. That is, these kinds of comments spring from insecure positions.