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Old 10-31-2024, 08:43 PM   #125
dlphg9 dlphg9 is offline
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Originally Posted by GabyKeepsMeWarm View Post
Agree 1000%. Pitch framing is complete and utter bullshit. You're telling me someone watched every pitch thrown to Johnny Bench and figured out his pitch framing skills? Yogi Berra? Mickey Cochrane? Penalizing catchers because the pitchers can't throw strikes? It's ridiculous.
Doesn't even make sense. Umps **** up call constantly, so how the hell you going to determine if it was because of the catcher framing well or if the ump is just shit.
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dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.dlphg9 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.
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