Originally Posted by DonkeyDuff
First bedempsey, I gotta see a list of names of all the these "added players" you're claiming ... we fielded very similar, even lesser rosters in 97 and 98 that we did the 2 or 3 years before, offense was ALL the same. In two years added just Darrien Gordon and Neil Smith on defense. So I'll be interested to see your long list...
Okay, numbtwat, here it is:
Howard Griffith (disproving your claim that the Donks Offense was ALL the same)
Willie Green
Harry Swayne
Tony Jones (via trade for 2nd round pick but once again disproving your claim that the Donks Offense was ALL the same)
Neil Smith
Keith Traylor (disproving your claim of "added just Darrien Gordon and Neil Smith on defense")
Darrien Gordon
Dedrick Dodge
Tim McKyer
Flipper Anderson
Bubby Brister
What was that you were saying about being a moron -- you MORON ?! And who is "we" -- do you got a turd in your back pocket?