Learned an interesting word that sums up everything I've been saying. Gatekeeping. It is a group of "influencers" who can be medium fish in a small pond. They don't want the pond to grow because it makes them nobodies and because they cant just say whatever they want. Right now the WNBA is a cesspool of messy shit from gatekeepers who insist on inserting all their drama and activism and others afraid to speak up for fear of getting blackballed. And they're going down fighting but I think it's reached a point where their power is rapidly disappearing. That's why you're starting to see even the legends of their sport like Sheryl swoopes get absolutely roasted to the point of probably jeopardizing her career
That control has slowly shifted and with Caitlin playing as well as hyped theyre starting to get called out on their bullshit. Even espn after their ridiculous rookie rankings is starting to hop on the Clark train.