Thread: Other Sports Caitlin Clark is ****ing awesome
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Old 09-07-2024, 11:57 AM   #3263
ptlyon ptlyon is online now
Bono & Grbac wasn't enough

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Originally Posted by chiefzilla1501 View Post
Yeah it's not even worth it. It's the same parroted talking points as every hater. Like clockwork it's all about turnovers. It's all about not winning championships despite not having a college super team and now about how she is only winning because she is on a super team that were so bad last year they got the #1 pick. They're lasered into it to save face. That she's a great player and the roty race is over and was never a race to begin with.
"Whooped by 10 points". ****er has to be a Democrat
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ptlyon is obviously part of the inner Circle.ptlyon is obviously part of the inner Circle.ptlyon is obviously part of the inner Circle.ptlyon is obviously part of the inner Circle.ptlyon is obviously part of the inner Circle.ptlyon is obviously part of the inner Circle.ptlyon is obviously part of the inner Circle.ptlyon is obviously part of the inner Circle.ptlyon is obviously part of the inner Circle.ptlyon is obviously part of the inner Circle.ptlyon is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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