Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 07-27-2024, 02:19 PM   #74219
Rain Man Rain Man is offline
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Random observation, but I ran in a park today and I think I may have passed Sean Payton on the trail. I was running in a park that's about equidistant between his house and mine.

Sadly, I didn't recognize him quickly enough to make a disparaging statement about the broncos.
Active fan of the greatest team in NFL history.
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Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.Rain Man is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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