Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 07-21-2024, 08:28 AM   #74088
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Originally Posted by BlackOp View Post
That wasnt the same...Manning didn't have flu and the game was IN Denver.

Chiefs knocked the living shit out them and sent HGH boy to the was a straight up beat down.

Donk fans wanted nothing to do with that Chiefs team in the post-season...lucky for them, the way things things broke, they didn't have face them again.

KC was the better team that season...were like on a 12-0 run....but Maclin got injured in the Texans WC game and it totally derailed their offense against NE...remember Maclin trying to play decoy then couldn't go?
All true... I was making the comparison only in regards that we beat them, and they went on to "win" the Super Bowl. In the end, DonkTard fans didn't give a shit that we beat them, and claimed that it was our Super Bowl.

However, as it tirned out, that game did have much more significance, because it started the streak, and ushered in our complete and total dominance of Denver
to this day.
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