Originally Posted by Kiimo
Dean Spanos put it to a vote hey build me a stadium in the middle of downtown where I plan to pay not one dime and **** traffic up even more than it already is for like 7 years!
And the people of San Diego said uh, hey you cash-starved wannabe billionaire go **** yourself.
So he packed up and left. And it's really sad because Dean couldn't even afford to build a stadium so now he has a LANDLORD who is a direct competitor for eyeballs in the same city and nobody gives a shit about them at all.
And the saddest thing is...it worked. The team is worth more than ever before and they actually have a good team and the San Diego fans are shit out of luck with nothing but their own righteous indignation to cheer for. They were right to tell him to shove it, he wanted to totally screw up downtown.
He also knew they would vote it down. He honestly should be dragged into the street and tarred and feathered then sent out on a barge into the Pacific Ocean.
I get this isn't a thread about the Chargers, but didn't they just pick in the top 5 in the draft a couple of months ago?