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Old 05-15-2024, 04:21 PM   #117
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Originally Posted by Frazod View Post
I liked the House books quite a bit, mainly because it featured younger versions of the familiar characters. A series set during that time period would be my preference. The ones dealing with the distant past, like you said, weren't that good.

Of course, a series about the early Bene Gesserit checks off all the woke Hollywood boxes. All the main characters/heroes will be women, with a few guys tossed in to be villains/servants/bumbling comic relief. It will probably end up being like the Witcher series, only without the witcher. Zero interest/hard pass.
Yeah - combining Dune: Chapterhouse with the really early Dune (chronologically) books just cannot possibly work.

It's like the weirdest of all that shit combined (well, apart from Sand Trout and Worm God). But I'm guessing they'll just rip off Sisterhood because...well, it's just easier. And lazier. And probably worse.

It could've worked. Maybe it should've. The Butlerian Jihad had potential and Battle of Corrin wasn't bad; established the Harkonnen/Atreides hatred pretty nicely.

Story wise, it could've been worse. I just don't think Herbert/Anderson are very good writers. The Titans and the half titan robot things (don't remember their names) and all that just seemed such tropey sci-fi shit. Norma becoming...what Norma became...just seemed a dues ex Machina that, again, felt lazy as hell. The Guild didn't NEED that to happen to exist. But they needed some omnipotent being to show up to eventually wrap the story up.

I dunno - it's just not very good.
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