Thread: Movies and TV Fallout: The Series
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Old 04-28-2024, 08:53 PM   #111
GloucesterChief GloucesterChief is offline

Join Date: Jan 2013
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I hate how they turned Vaut-tec from evil but just somewhat incompetent to evil and absolute morons.

Though with good writing they can make Mr. House how he is in New Vegas as morally grey but very smart.
Posts: 13,145
GloucesterChief 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.GloucesterChief 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.GloucesterChief 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.GloucesterChief 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.GloucesterChief 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.GloucesterChief 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.GloucesterChief 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.GloucesterChief 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.GloucesterChief 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.GloucesterChief 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.GloucesterChief 's phone was tapped by Scott Pioli.
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