Thread: Movies and TV Fallout: The Series
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Old 04-23-2024, 10:27 AM   #89
ThaVirus ThaVirus is offline
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This show was awesome. It really was such a perfect homage to the games.

My personal favorite was The Ghoul saying “Thou shalt get sidetracked by random bullshit every time”. So true and totally meta.

I also chuckled at Maximus telling Lucy anything could be in the medical research facility. That was always my first thought when entering a building. Am I dealing with ghouls, super mutants, synths, raiders, radroaches, mirelurks???
Posts: 46,617
ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.ThaVirus is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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