Thread: Movies and TV Fallout: The Series
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Old 04-21-2024, 04:04 PM   #87
Bowser Bowser is offline
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Digging this a ton. I just finished up the episode where

(*spoilered, just in case)

I started the original Fallout game and just didn't get into it. Probably have less than an hour of playtime wrapped into it, so I'm going into the show basically unspoiled with no idea what's to come. They've done a great job worldbuilding, and I dig the little nods to the game like the stimpak shot restoring health instantly (Lucy, the dog). They've even made the outro music seem creepy and foreboding somehow. And Walton Goggins is fantastic in this, as he is in about everything I've seen him in.
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Bowser is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bowser is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bowser is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bowser is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bowser is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bowser is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bowser is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bowser is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bowser is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bowser is obviously part of the inner Circle.Bowser is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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