Thread: Movies and TV Fallout: The Series
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Old 04-17-2024, 06:49 AM   #67
BigBeauford BigBeauford is offline
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Location: Lenexa, KS
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For those looking to get in, Fallout New Vegas is one of the best video games ever made, but it's also janky as hell. If you really want to commit, mods are almost certainly a requirement to make the game smooth.
Posts: 14,404
BigBeauford is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigBeauford is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigBeauford is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigBeauford is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigBeauford is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigBeauford is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigBeauford is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigBeauford is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigBeauford is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigBeauford is obviously part of the inner Circle.BigBeauford is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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