Thread: Other Sports Rasslin is YES! YES! YES!
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Old 04-08-2024, 02:27 PM   #4803
GloucesterChief GloucesterChief is offline

Join Date: Jan 2013
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Here is what I would do. Roman gets the beatdown, and maybe Jimmy as well, due to losing at WM by a debuting Tonga and Fatu and Rock is the new tribal chief. Cody works through Solo, Tonga, and Fatu before facing off against Rock at Summerslam. In between Rock can do recorded promos and have Heyman as a mouthpiece. Then you have Roman come back at Summerslam as a Sting like figure that just comes in Spears and Superman punches and then disappears so he doesn't have to appear every week and build to Rock - Reigns at WM41.

By that time you should of built Gunther, or another heel, as the new threat to Cody.
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