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Old 04-02-2024, 08:46 PM   #529
Arch Stanton Arch Stanton is offline

Join Date: Feb 2023
Casino cash: $-4159500
The property tax scam put everbody in a bad mood, when it come ta raisin taxes.

The Royals stadium location sucked, and everbody knew it.

Wipin out section 8 houses scared the crap outta a lot of people.

If there's $ in building the stadiums, the city/county can issue tax free municipal bonds ta pay for buildin the stadiums, and pay off the bonds with alla the money .gov "makes" off the stadiums. Easy.

Cept .gov doesn't make money, it can only take money.

Fans that want the stadium built can sign a contract ta pay for a personal seat license or option ta buy season tickets at a discount, ta finance the construction.
Posts: 372
Arch Stanton is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArch Stanton is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArch Stanton is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArch Stanton is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArch Stanton is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArch Stanton is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArch Stanton is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArch Stanton is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArch Stanton is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArch Stanton is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArch Stanton is the dumbass Milkman is always talking about
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