Originally Posted by TwistedChief
I maintain the view that this thread right now is absolutely ridiculous and silly and has jumped the shark.
The offense has gotten worse throughout the course of the season. Frustratingly, disappointingly worse. It’s not even up for discussion.
They have Mahomes who is god but don’t as a whole deserve the benefit of the doubt in any way, shape, or form. So if fans want to vent during a GDT, let them do it and let it be cathartic.
I think we still have a shot to make a run in the playoffs and have never been remotely defeatist and unrealistically pessimistic. But I don’t think we need to live in a world where people who get frustrated and express it on this forum need to be called out.
Yeah, I probably shouldn't have even responded to that comment, because it just comes off as nitpicking comments and that wasn't my intention... I was mostly saying that I shared the same thought a few minutes later.
The head-against-wall feeling that even when they do something good on offense like the first drive, they have some shit happen with a forced turnover... and you can see it on Mahomes' face in those situations just like 2021 of
what the **** do we have to do to catch a break??
Anyone who says Mahomes can go **** himself though can, well, go **** themselves.