Originally Posted by JohnnyHammersticks
The difference between that - which we all do - and the mad dash to see who can give up on the game, season, Mahomes-era, Reid-era, and Hunt-era in the 1st quarter of games is where the crux lies.
Now I'll turn the floor back over to our resident cowards so that they can continue to gloat about how smart they were to predict how terrible our entire franchise is. And how we'll never overcome the disastrous Jamaal Taylor signing, letting JuJu go sit on the bench for NE, and Veach not being able to draft skill positions. 
Originally Posted by Bearcat
Sunshine pumping -------> venting and calling a spade a spade ----‐-----------------------------> saying things like "**** you Mahomes you broke dick", "I'm done with Mahomes", "Mahomes has gotten worse every year since 2018"
Laughing at people ---------> policing
...really shouldn't be difficult to understand. 
I agree with you guys 90%, its gets old constantly seeing over the top nonsense like FIRE REID!... just seems like the lines getting kinda blurry sometimes lately , where even popping off in frustration earns you a demerit
But then again hey, its just ChiefsPlanet and in the end all of the back and forth drama is what keeps this place going if we're being honest... I
swear yesterday was like the days of yore, we had that old vibe again
So let the barroom brawl continue, and we'll be here another 20 years from now...