Originally Posted by TomBarndtsTwin
Noticing how a lot of the usual suspects are not here taking victory laps this week.
But I'm sure the Fandom Police will be back next week (if we beat Bengals) to tell everybody how they're 'bad fans' for venting in a GDT.
Carry on . . . .
I guess if anyone is so sensitive they can't take some ribbing and laughing after saying really stupid shit and making grand predictions of doom and gloom that stretch far beyond one quarter, they have the option of you know... not saying really stupid shit on the internet that will come with laughter later.
Seems like a proportional response, it's not like anyone is being tarred and feathered or forced to post here during games.... and it clearly doesn't bother those who do it on a weekly basis since they keep doing it, so not sure why you'd be white knighting anyone.