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Old 12-25-2023, 06:30 PM   #105
ArrowHeader ArrowHeader is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2021
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This team has been flat since week one. No fire. No desire. Mahomes is the only player with a pulse. Reid isn’t a “tough love” kinda guy but that’s what this team needs and that’s where we need EB. Someone who wasn’t afraid to get in Mahomes face. Someone who didn’t mind keeping guys on edge. This holding hands kumbaya Nagy shit is disgusting. We are begging for mediocrity in what should be peak Mahomes time
Posts: 386
ArrowHeader is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArrowHeader is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArrowHeader is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArrowHeader is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArrowHeader is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArrowHeader is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArrowHeader is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArrowHeader is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArrowHeader is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArrowHeader is the dumbass Milkman is always talking aboutArrowHeader is the dumbass Milkman is always talking about
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