Before Travis was dating her I can admit that I knew and have listened to some of her music. There are some songs I really like and I've liked the way she treats people. When you see her at awards shows and another artist is on stage singing their popular hit song, she is always dancing and singing along. You see the same thing at Chiefs games. She seems as real of a person as someone that world famous could be. There's something about that that I trust. Now, she does seem to have a bad track record with the guys. Bad enough that you can't say it's always them not her. But let's just hope that if she and Travis go south it happens Valentine's day or after. And then she can write a song about it and we'll continue our rooting interests without the microscope.
I'm going to go ahead and call myself a Swifite because I think now Travis and the Chiefs are connected to that.
"True bliss is not something you search for, true bliss is already living inside us all, and sometimes it takes a roomfull of others to lead us to the mirror of your soul." - CosmicPal (10-3-03)  