Originally Posted by DaFace
There's probably some nuance in that statement you're missing. I'm not at all a "Swiftie" in the sense that I still haven't gone out of my way to listen to any of her music and don't plan to, but Travis has an argument for being my favorite Chiefs player of all time, and it's interesting to think about his life after football.
Does it matter to me on a personal level who he dates? No, not really. But it's pretty clear to me that Travis loves attention and would love to be a superstar once he retires. Taylor elevates his profile in a way that would bring him opportunities he might not have otherwise, not only because of her notoriety, but because she's clearly extremely savvy on how to generate buzz and build an audience. I think it's great that he might find someone who he respects as an entertainer but he can also learn from (and I like to think she can learn some things from him as well).
Combine that with the fact that Taylor is absolutely, 100% bringing new fans into Chiefs Kingdom - many of whom are making their dads and husbands miserable because they're now rooting for the Chiefs instead of their own team - and it's hard to look at this as anything but a great thing for the Chiefs. Will it all fall apart if things don't work out between them? Sure, maybe. But for now, it's adding an interesting element to a season that's otherwise mostly just a lot of waiting until January for things to get interesting.
So, am I a "Swiftie"? I don't really identify as such, but maybe. I mostly just think it's a fun element, and as long as they're having fun with it, I'm here for it.
I’m not either, but I respect Taylor. A lot. She’s going to make a BILLION DOLLARS this year. The sports world melted when Mahomes signed a contract for 1/2 a billion over a decade. She’s a success on a level that we can’t understand fully.
My 9YO daughter who knows nothing about football and maybe can name Mahomes. Maybe. Asked me about Kelce dating Taylor.
I also respect Taylor because she’s about as wholesome as a major celebrity can be in 2023. She genuinely treats her fans well, and tries to be a good role model. As a dude with an impressionable daughter (who knows about Taylor apparently LOL) that matters to me way more than it used to.
Plus the food bank stuff, plus her trying to fit in here, the list goes on. If she were a **** there’d be no hiding it.
After the first game in Arrowhead, they left in Kelces convertible without an entourage. I heard somewhere that seemed reputable (to my hayseed ass anyway) that she hasn’t been able to do that in well over a decade. She has to go everywhere with an entourage so she doesn’t get mobbed. I can’t even fathom.
I didn’t know that song Clay made the last video was a Swift song. So I’m no Swifty, but Taylor is an interesting case study in 2023 fame and I do find myself respecting her.