Originally Posted by Pasta Little Brother
But when the roles were reversed plenty of you rubbed it in while we all still posted away...
The superior, holier-than-thou attitude most Donk fans had when talking to Chiefs fans is what makes this all so glorious. The Raiders have been almost as bad for about as long, or even longer, but their fans were nowhere near as obnoxious or entitled acting.
Not all Donk fans, obviously. Heck, I've been offering MHM a spot on the Chiefs bandwagon to no avail for quite some time, telling him he's too good for that sad sack franchise. And there are other decent Donk posters in this thread too, like Hef. Most of the terrible ones are too humiliated to even post here anymore, but you know they still lurk from time-to-time.
But obnoxious little morons like Quesadildos are what makes posting in this thread and relentlessly humiliating them so damn glorious. We're literally the NFL's model franchise, and the Donks are about as far down the toilet as a franchise can get. And neither paradigm shows even the slightest signs of changing any time soon.
So we all need to relish in their complete ruin, because there's a long track record going back decades of them doing the same or worse to us. In other words, dance on their sad little faces and don't feel the slightest bit guilty about it.