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Old 10-09-2023, 09:37 AM   #4166
KCUnited KCUnited is online now
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I watched Reptile over the weekend and found it entertaining

It was pretty obvious early on where it was going which kind of killed the suspense or any potential twists but I thought it was well made and performed. I especially enjoyed the use and placement of the incidental music to help build the suspense

Nothing groundbreaking though but enjoyable nonetheless

And Alicia Silverstone was rocking a thicc mom bod

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KCUnited is obviously part of the inner Circle.KCUnited is obviously part of the inner Circle.KCUnited is obviously part of the inner Circle.KCUnited is obviously part of the inner Circle.KCUnited is obviously part of the inner Circle.KCUnited is obviously part of the inner Circle.KCUnited is obviously part of the inner Circle.KCUnited is obviously part of the inner Circle.KCUnited is obviously part of the inner Circle.KCUnited is obviously part of the inner Circle.KCUnited is obviously part of the inner Circle.
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