Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 10-05-2023, 12:27 AM   #68168
RaidersOftheCellar RaidersOftheCellar is offline
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Originally Posted by Quesadilla Joe View Post
I pointed out Russ’ late season resurgence, how it proved that it was Hackett who was holding him back, and that Russ wasn’t washed. I was met with the usual FatRuss/WalRuss/Russett is washed takes.

Russ should have a league leading 12 TD passes but the Miami refs took away two of Russ’ TD’s with bogus penalties and Sutton dropped one.
But you’ve been acting like Payton flipped a magic switch and “fixed” him overnight. He was playing like this down the stretch last season.

Wilson’s been relatively good, from what I’ve seen, but that trade was still a huge mistake, dude. Your plan to compete with KC was to sell the farm for a lesser QB than Mahomes, with a much weaker roster around him and lesser coaches? While KC piles up high draft picks? Jeez. That dude might be delusional enough to think he carried Seattle, but he isn’t carrying a team anywhere.

And what happens next year? 54 mil over the cap? You won’t be able to add any major FAs and you’ll probably have to make some tough decisions.
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