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Old 09-27-2023, 10:45 AM   #3
Wisconsin_Chief Wisconsin_Chief is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2019
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Every time I see something else about how amazing McDuffie is, I instantly see that clip of the Bills war room play in my head after we traded in front of them. The look on McDermott's face is pure gold. He looks like he wants to explode. The fact that the CB they reached for in desperation completely sucks just makes it that much better.

I love this goddamn team.
Posts: 9,517
Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.
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