Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 09-20-2023, 01:25 PM   #66783
BEAVER BEAVER is offline
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Originally Posted by TEX View Post
I hate Payton, and I hate Russ. Both are as cringe as that word has become So, I love watching this latest chapter of how the shit show turns in Cheating Donx Land. And the best part is both gave Denver fan hope, only now its soul crushing because they realize there is none.
It is so much fun to step back to just after the trade for Tater and look at their posts. So filled with joy, happiness and brash predictions. Then to look after the first couple games as all their hopes and dreams flamed out in a glorious full-speed high-impact crash.
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BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.BEAVER would the whole thing.
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