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Old 09-12-2023, 08:21 AM   #380
Wisconsin_Chief Wisconsin_Chief is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2019
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Josh Allen's literal favorite past time activity is turning the football over. He lives for it. The sole reason he plays in the NFL is to give the ball to the other team. I've honestly never seen anything like it.
Posts: 9,517
Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.Wisconsin_Chief has an IQ even higher than Frankie's.
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