Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 07-17-2023, 04:40 PM   #64389
RedinTexas RedinTexas is online now
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Originally Posted by DomCasual View Post
I think that was the one before, if I remember correctly.

You guys who didn't watch 17 games of that disaster just don't grasp the incompetence of Hackett and his staff. You think you do, but you don't. To completely get it, you have to have tortured yourself with 17 approximately 3-hour windows of total aggravation (15, actually, since he was put out of his misery after the 15th game); followed by who knows how long listening to sports talk and watching highlights; followed by an even larger amount of time laying in bed, wide awake, wondering if it was all a fever dream.

It was so bad that when Jerry Rosburg was given the euthanization duties for the last two games of the season, they gave him carte blanche to fire multiple members of the staff. There was no good reason for this, other than principle. "You don't get to finish when you have failed this spectacularly."

I'd love to know if there has been anything else quite like it in NFL history.
We lived through Herm Edwards, Todd Haley, and Romeo Crennel. Trust us when we say, we get it.
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