Finished the Ash vs Evil Dead TV show and decided to rewatch Evil Dead and Evil Dead II. Hadn't seen them in years.
It's so very interesting looking back and again realizing Evil Dead is basically the beta for Evil Dead II....which is still one of the oddest remakes/sequel combinations I've ever seen.
So after all that I watched the new Evil Dead movies.
Evil Dead 2013 - 6/10. Straight horror with a very unremarkable cast, but some good kills, beautiful to look at. They just did a shitty version of Evil Dead, though. They got some bonus points for absolutely ramping the tree rape scene up to 99 though
Evil Dead 2023 - 8/10. This was way more original, and a fun twist on the Evil Dead setup. Main possessed chick was awesome and super creepy. Love what they have done with the redesigns for the Book of the Dead. I'd actually love to see an ED movie that dumps most of the over the top gore and jump scares and really explores the Book of the Dead at a deeper level, like the TV show did.
If they're going to continue this going forward they really need to stop absolutely jam-packing the cast with chicks and beta males though. That shit gets old fast. Find another Ash Williams FFS. Your movie will be much more interesting with a true protagonist instead of talking scenery that dies horribly.
Now I'm going to palate cleanse with Naked Gun 1, 2 and 3, none of which I have seen.