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Old 05-02-2023, 08:11 AM   #597
JPH83 JPH83 is offline

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Originally Posted by Chris Meck View Post
Some of you guys only have opinions AFTER the fact, which I can tell you is pretty frustrating to all of us here that actually deep dive BEFORE the draft-and while we may not be professional scouts, many have shown a pretty good eye in previous years. Maybe next year you can join the draft forum beforehand and look at the prospects. But since some of you didn't, let me tell you something that you may not know.

This was not a draft full of first round WR's. The only bona-fide first rounder on pretty much anyone's board was Smith-Nigba, and even he had an injury concern. ALL of the rest had some questions.

Does that mean that there are no stars in this WR class? No, not necessarily. It just means that there are rough spots in everyone's tape that need work. It means there weren't any perfectly polished diamonds, not that there aren't any diamonds in the rough. Top receivers can and often do come from places other than the first round.

So this year, it was a question of 1)What skill-set are you looking for, 2)Where in the draft do you need to get that guy, and 3)Do you feel the rough spots are fixable or worth the risk?

So you can argue that you don't like a specific guy, and that you wanted this other guy over here, but if you're arguing for a smaller type, you were not on the same page as KC, which has a couple of those.

If you want to argue that you liked Tillman more or whomever, then that's fair, although again, if you just came here to bitch after the fact, it's pretty damned irritating because many of us hashed this stuff over for months beforehand.
I missed this post, fair enough, think it largely answers my question. I tried to be involved in the draft forum but to be honest in didn't love any of the WRs so didn't care too much about which one we got
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