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Old 04-20-2023, 08:01 AM   #78
kpic kpic is offline

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Originally Posted by Stryker View Post
Motorhead - Orgasmatron

One of my favorite Motorhead songs, and that right there is quintessential heavy metal, if anyone asks 'What is heavy metal?' put this on.

Going back a bit to some controversial takes that were brought up earlier,

- It's interesting that on here so far Megadeth getting more love than Metallica, and I completely agree. In my circles anyway that was an odd take to have back then, and I think generally the consensus was always Metallica was better but I'll just say they were likely more 'popular'. Let's put it this way, I was given the Metallica tapes I had but I bought the Megadeth tapes, I accidentally saw Metallica live before I even knew who they were, I paid to see Megadeth live 3 times.

- Maybe I never heard enough of them but never got into or liked any bit of; AC/DC, Def Leppard or Sabbath.

- Tying a bit into the above; solo Ozzy for me is way, way, way ahead of Sabbath Ozzy.

- I mentioned some of it in the OP but I never got the hate for Turbo by Priest, and it was absolutely hated at the time (I'm not saying all the songs are great on it). I figured it was just because it followed-up Defenders that caused that and maybe because the 'synth' sound to it but it's not like they didn't do POE prior to this so that overall sound they had existed before Screaming & Defenders. Maybe I'm overly-sentimental to it because I had just got my license, I had a really hot GF at the time and seeing them live for this tour - with very few exceptions I'll always take a metal band live over studio sound.

- Ok probably, maybe the most controversial take? The one that almost got me kicked-out of my metal friends circle any time this band was brought up; the first two Motley Crue albums (Too Fast & Shout) are legit headbangin' metal albums! Get past the LA looks, the LA 'sound', the lyrics\song titles & most importantly what they did afterwards (most people default to everything after these two albums) - but there are some genuine heavy hitting and good songs in there.
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