Originally Posted by AdolfOliverBush
The vocals can be hard to get used to. Yelling is one thing (Slayer, Pantera), but I tend to tune out the moment I hear some guy growling like an animal, or like he's about to vomit (Cannibal Corpse).
What kills me is, I honestly feel like the vocals could be sung by a really talented vocalist for most of this stuff and it would make it better. Cannibal Corpse is a great example of "What the **** is he grumbling about?"
I hate that shit. There's a place for emotion and screaming, but when it's all garbled shit, it's...well...shit.

We have a million reasons for failure, but not one excuse...

Die Donks, DIE!!

Holy Crap fellas!!! We did it!!! THREE TIMES!!!