Thread: Movies and TV Must Watch Series
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Old 04-17-2023, 10:15 AM   #2162
DJ's left nut DJ's left nut is offline
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Originally Posted by BigBeauford View Post
And this shift in Season 3 made me wonder "what's the point". Compared to a show like Succession that really threaded the needle to get the audience invested in the characters, Barry just made me want to put the bullet in him myself. I sure as shit don't care for the gaggle of characters beyond Gene and Hank.
Yeah, that's why I think it's audience driven. I don't think Hader ever wanted to push it this hard to make you question yourself for rooting for Barry. But when people were still cheering for him after he'd pretty much established himself as a stone-cold murderer even out from under the grip of Fuches, what else could he do?

And the Hank/Cristobal thing has run its course as well.

The show was so great in season 1, still very good in season 2, but it's pretty much on fumes at this point. It needs to be done.
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