Hey Knowshit! Did you see the NFL.com rankings of the leagues GM's? I bet that you did and are trying to avoid the subject. But, in case you didn't, let me sum it up for you. Kansas City Chiefs GM, Brett Veach, who you hilariously try to attack with your lame and way off base monicker, Let's Reach is ranked at number 2. Only behind Roseman. So, by your proclamations, the great George, the general as you call him, Paton, must be sitting there at 3 right? Nope, I had to scroll all the way to the bottom to find Gomer Payaton at number 25. He would have been lower, but they took out the 7 GM's who had not completed 2 drafts yet. I'm just amazed and thrilled that the new Walmart great value ownership team decided to keep that loser. Looks like more Superbowls ahead for the Chiefs and more losing seasons for the Donks ahead. Isn't that great?
Genesis 1:1 In the beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth. Following the historical accounts and the genealogy from that point on, the age of the Earth is approximately 6000-7000 years old. The Big Bullshit Theory is a lie. It and the evolution theory go against real science. Satan has used our public school system to brainwash everyone into believing these lies. Be not decieved.