Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 03-16-2023, 05:58 PM   #61805
Chief3188 Chief3188 is offline

Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by Coochie liquor View Post
He does? He hired Vance ****ing Joseph, and Joe Lombardi. 2 of the worst coordinators he could have hired. Doesn’t seem like a great staff to me.
Joe Lombardi is quite underwhelming but like Reid he will be handling the offense and Joseph is not a bad coordinator. Terrible HC for sure but a decent coordinator in the right situation. I am just saying I have seen him assemble and reassemble various staffs and usually do pretty well with them. I have lived outside of New Orleans for the last 20 years so I was here when they hired him and unfortunately had to be exposed to more Saints crap than I would have preferred (Worst sports reporters and homers I have ever seen).

Frankly I can't stand him as I think he is a piece of crap both in his profession and personal life.
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Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.
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