Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 03-16-2023, 05:39 PM   #61801
Chief3188 Chief3188 is offline

Join Date: Jan 2007
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I think Denver will be competitive this next year or two. Payton did underachieve with a HOF QB having Brees as long as he did but to be fair, Brees did his own fair share of choking it up in the playoffs.
Denver has not had competent leadership for sometime now and Payton knows how to put a staff together and keep a team competitive like Reid did in Philly before coming here. He isn't going to win anything significant with Russ but I would expect them to play a lot smarter next season.
Posts: 738
Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.Chief3188 must have mowed badgirl's lawn.
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