Thread: Football Broncos news megathread
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Old 02-25-2023, 12:16 PM   #60882
tredadda tredadda is offline
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Originally Posted by dlphg9 View Post
KnowMo is warning us about just how bad it'll be for the Chiefs next season! I'm certainly scared, because he can't be wrong for 8 years in a row. They can't be trash forever, right?! The Donkos have been 4th in the division 4 out of the last 6 years and have been 3rd or worse 6 out of the last 7 years.

I guess selling their souls to get Manning a title really tanked those bitches. Hopefully KnowMo never gets to experience a double digit win season for the rest of his miserable life.
That has to be the most gut wrenching part of it for Broncos fans. They went all in with Peyton and only got one ring out of it. Since then they have been awful and all the Wal-Mart money in the world can't fix that. Meanwhile one of their biggest rivals has:

1. Hosted an AFC record five straight AFCCGs
2. Been to three SBs in the last four years
3. Won two of those SBs
4. Currently has a 15 game winning streak vs the Broncos
5. Won the SB with one of the youngest rosters in the NFL
6. A two time league MVP and SB MVP who is locked up for a long time and is only 27 and is already viewed as one of the greatest to ever play his position
7. A HC who is #5 all time in wins and #2 in all time playoff wins and is a better HC than any Denver ever had
8. A GM that routinely puts clown shoes on and embarrasses "The General".
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